Thursday, May 28, 2009


Last week Erich "Mancow" Muller was waterboarded during his radio show from his studio at WLS in Chicago. Tuesday night Keith Olbermann did a video interview with him on Countdown. During that interview, Muller stated that his "friend" Sean Hannity, of Fuks Nuz fame, told him that waterboarding still wasn't torture.

Here are Keith and Rachel Maddow discussing what it's going to take to change how the right looks at waterboarding and what it will take to make them realize that it is torture.

And now here is Keith showing how Alberto Gonzales is trying to blame the Department of Justice for approving the torture that was used.


Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

the issue is morphing as we speak, from the morality question--Is torture 'bad'?--to the efficacy question--Does torture work?

All these experiments, where douchebaggages get the treatment--does nothing more than to underscore the claims (specious) that 'torture works,' when the victims announce they'd say anything to make it stop...

That's GOOD news for the fascists...

Grandpa Eddie said...

Woody - I understand what you are saying.
But, when someone says that they would have said anything to get the torture to stop, that doesn't guarantee that the information garnered through said torture would be reliable either.