I found this at Attentive Aphorist, and then promptly proceeded to steal it from themom.
Thanks themom!
On This Day In History Malcolm X Was Assassinated
10 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.
Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com
So glad I could help you out their Grandpa Eddie!! Like you said - Cheney's eyes have to be bulging.
I am going to post this at my blog, and I will of course give credit to you and the others. Its apropo to a current post on torture and military regulations.
themom - Your help is greatly appreciated!
I just wish I could see his eyes poppin' outta his head.
Seeing Eye Chick - Grab it an' go. Like themom, I'm glad I can help.
Would like a link to your blog so I can stop by and read your posts.
Eddie can I use this space to send Nancy a message? Thanks! Nancy I can't leave a comment on your blogs, first there was a popup saying internet exployer couldn't open your blog, now there is no popup but also no comment box!! Its happening on all your blogs, and BTW, Love the tribute to Mom, a Jersey girl!!! xo
thanks E, hope she sees this!
that should be explorer, not exployer, damn I'm a terrible speller in my old age! LOL
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