Thursday, May 21, 2009


Rick "Man On Dog" Santorum was on Fuks Nuz last night talking about how the Rethuglican Parody believes in the stewardship of patrimony.

Let's see... patrimony according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as....

1 a: an estate inherited from one's father or ancestor
1 b:
anything derived from one's father or ancestors
2 :
an estate or endowment belonging by ancient right to a church

No mention of women at all there. Should we be surprised? Not when it's coming from a misogynist like Rick "Man On Dog" Santorum!

Think Progress:

Santorum: ‘Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony.’

Last night on Fox News, former senator Rick Santorum told Greta Van Susteren that the Republican party “has to stand up for conservative principles.” They have to support the “patrimony” against “a guy named Barack Obama” who wants to upend “our social structure”:

SANTORUM: The other thing we have to do is we have to stand up and say, look, America — Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony. In other words, there are things in America that are really good, that work, have worked for 200 years. And we have a guy named Barack Obama who’s trying to fundamentally rewrite everything, change our economy, change our social structure, change our economy to something new.

Santorum also praised the 75 percent of Californians who did not vote in yesterday’s special election, “because they knew enough that they didn’t know enough to vote.” Watch it:

Part of that “patrimony” that has “worked for 200 years” — besides limited franchise — is apparently the subjugation of women. Santorum has declared that birth control is “harmful to women” and “harmful to society.” And in his book, “It Takes A Family,” he railed against “radical feminists” who “succeeded in undermining the traditional family and convincing women that professional accomplishments are the key to happiness.”

For the life of me, I can't understand why the hell any women would have ever voted for this ass-hat! He thinks all of you ladies are second class citizens who need to be told what to do and when to do it. He doesn't think any of you should have control over your own bodies!


LeftyLadi said...

Patrimony has worked for 200 years??? He's whining and complaining because the 1950's have come and gone. He wants to control everyone who isn't a white male. I'm with ya, Eddie. Why would any self-respecting woman vote for him or anyone like him - or marry them for that matter.

I guess I'm one of those "radical feminists" who succeeded in undermining his own traditional marriage. What's a matter Rick? Is your wife withholding sex and you can't legally rape her now?

Grandpa Eddie said...

More like the Victorian Age ended more than 150 years ago and nobody told the Rethugs.

LeftyLadi said...

At least the Victorian Age had SOME things that were romantic about that era, but there's nothing romantic about modern-day thuglicans.

Grandpa Eddie said...

That's true...but the prudes ruled the day, just like the Rethuglicans and radical fascist religious right wants to do.

Riot Kitty said...

He's fucking out of his mind. Did you know that when his wife gave birth to a stillborn baby, he took the body home for all of their other kids to see? How psychotic is that?

Grandpa Eddie said...

Riot Kitty - Yes...he is out of his fucking mind.

I remember when he did that with the stillborn baby. He had to take it home so the rest of the kids could meet their sibling. And yeah...that IS psychotic.

LeftyLadi said...

OMG! How horrible. That is psychological child abuse. He should be locked up. Remember when he got in Hillary Clinton's face - invaded her comfort zone on stage during a debate as if he were stalking her? He's seriously nuts and he lost the election.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Of course he's nuts, Nancy. He's a radical right-wing religious fascist.

Anonymous said...

All that was missing was his gimp suit and his bitch-slaves.

What a charmer.

There used to be a bumpersticker:

Just say no to sex with Republicans.

As for the rest. LOW SELF ESTEEM. There are plenty of self destructive Americans out there and a lot are women. They think that they deserve Man-on-Dog-Santorum. Like maybe he is some karmic debt they have to work through.

But thanks for the heads up. I missed this and plan to link to this post at my blog.

It's shit like this that makes me glad I homeschool. I wouldnt want some Republicon Cult member teacher or spawn indoctrinating my kids into this idiocy.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Seeing Eye Chick - You are soooo right about the self destructive Americans, and I think those who are females are that way because of the way they have been treated ALL their lives by domineering males, just like what Santorum is.

Thanks for the link at your blog!

I would like to visit your blog, but I don't know your URL.

Cats r Flyfishn said...

I'm going to have to write a letter of complaint to the Philadelphia Inquirer about this idiot. There really is no place to have this talking imbecile as a contributor to a major city newspaper. Ricky "Rooster" Santorum is a fool. Pennsylvanians must have been asleep at the wheel when they voted for him. We here in PA are very please with Santorum's replacement, Senator Bob Casey Jr.

Cats r Flyfishn said...

I remember watching his children cry on the stage when he lost his re-election. I feel sorry for his children. They have to live with this fool.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Cats - I can't figure out why any major paper would want a psychopath like Santorum writing anything for it.

And they all wonder why paper sales are way down. This is a good reason why.

I feel sorry for his kids, too, especially the female kids. (I can't remember how many he has, or their gender.)