And Here We Go
6 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.
Take the quiz at
Super, terrific and excellently presented. I may be back to pilfer from you - I know you won't mind. :)
themom - Of course I don't mind. I love to share with my friends.
It's like a friend of mine said....stealing something like this is like taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another.
The more things like this get posted, the more people are going to see it.
Love it - I'm posting it to my facebook where I use my REAL name
The word verification for the day is curin - I wish we could be curin' all this right wing foolishness
That really was well done. What a lovely example. Thank You for posting that. All that was missing was Jim Jones, some Machine guns and giant vats of cyanide laced kool-aid.
I mean that is what Cults typically do, is control every aspect of your life, including but not limited to deciding which couples stay together and which adults or even children are reassigned more appropriate mates.
PENolan - Take it and run with it. The more people who view it the better.
Seeing Eye Chick - I think they wanted to keep it focused on the fact that the right doesn't want anything that isn't "traditional".
If the christo-fascists really wanted to help "traditional" marriages they should do something to help reduce the number of "traditional" divorces.
I watched this last night and then fell asleep before I could comment. That's happening a lot lately. It's excellent. I just also saw an anti-same sex marriage commercial that included a plaintive whine to the effect that the feelings of those who are against it don't count at all in the view of proponents of gay marriage. Well, of course they don't. Why ever should they? What possible business is it of theirs?
ZenYenta - You're right, their feelings don't matter at all. Besides, why should the proponents of gay marriage give a rat's ass what the opponent's feelings are. They don't give a good goddamn about the feelings of the gays who want to get married. It's not going to effect their marriages anyway. It may make them look bad if the divorce rate among gays should end up being a lot lower than non-gays after a period of time, though. And that would be cool!
Great video.
If there's one thing that's not said enough about Biblical literalists it's this: they're totally full of shit. Nobody actually obeys all of the insane rules in the Bible--though perhaps I should apologize for that statement to the next Christian I meet who's selling his daughter into slavery in a godly manner....
That was terrific, Eddie. The woman banning marriages sure looked like one of my busybody neighbors! I can't believe I live in the most conservative town in least it seems that way! Thanks for stealing the video! :)
Yoga - You are sooo right about even the christo-fascists not "following" all the "rules" laid out in their bible. They all love to be very selective on what they follow, and when they follow them.
Nancy - After one of the blogs I was reading this morning, I think there is a small town here in Wisconsin that could run a good competition with your town.
Go read this and see what I mean....
BTW...Good morning! It's been raining here and it's 62. So much for getting the lawn mowed.
Eddie - Twin cities. Must be all the relatives of the folks who live here. Yikes! You're right!
Good morning! Blue skies, 87 expected. Lawn was mowed last Wed. and already in need of another.
Nancy - Isn't it kinda nice to know that you and Shea aren't the only ones who have to deal with a whole town full of right-wing nobs?
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