What happened that day needs to be re-investigated.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
On This Day In History Malcolm X Was Assassinated
10 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
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If the Believers want to see what the devil is all about it is this and those behind it.
One Fly - Amen, brother!
I have a list-o-links about this subject on my blog, too. I believe the Bush-Cheney administration was more than negligent... they were fully complicit and involved. It was all part of the war against Iraq; it was the PNAC's "new Pearl Harbor".
I am in awe after viewing both these videos. I have seen the National Geographic show, which "defines" the mechanism of the collapse several times. It in no way even suggests what these Architects are stating - but these discoveries make so much more sense. I've always had a hard time accepting that the jet fuel alone caused such an intese fire as to collapse all these structures - considering the way the structure was built. I will be interested to see how far this goes i.e., investigation.
Shea - I couldn't agree with you more. I've thought from the beginning that there was more to all of this than what the govt was saying....but then, I've never trusted the govt anyway, no matter who had control.
themom - I saw the stuff they ran on Nat Geo and your right, it was nothing like this. There was one on the History Channel that covered a lot of the stuff that is covered here. That was only shown once and has since disappeared....go figure that one, heh.
Co-President Cheney knew.
He's the PNAC signatory.
LIHOP: Let It Happen On Purpose.
Nobody told the Chimp. You can see from those fotos in that florida classroom that he was stunned.
There was one simple expedient that could have prevented the disasters of that day: secure flight decks on all commercial aircraft. The airlines fought for 30 years to prevent installing secure doors. They should be held culpable for all the damages that day.
Woody - Why should the airlines be held accountable for all the damages that day when the Bush/Cheney administration knew something like that was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. Not only that, but also the fact that it appears that someone (in the govt I assume) placed charges in the buildings to make them come down, even those that weren't hit, to make the devastating event that day even more horrendous.
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