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And Here We Go
3 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
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I guess it was about a year ago when I was speculating on how long it would be, should Obama get the nomination, before Ann Coulter used the "n word." How naive I was--never imagining how many ways right wingers would find to imply the "n word" without actually saying it....
Yoga - It is almost as if they have made it their life goal to come up with as many ways to use the "n word" without actually using the "n word."
They attack Obama for everything BUT his race, at least openly, and they call him everything BUT the n-word, so I gotta wonder if that isn't chiefly how they really see him? It reminds me of an old Abbott and Costello routine where Abbott says, "Well, it worked. I'm not thinking about her anymore".
Costella: "What worked?"
Abbott: "You know, thinking about everything but her."
Costello: "You're thinking about her more by deliberately not thinking about her, dummy."
ZIRGAR - The Anal Cyst has made remarks before about Obama's race...he's called him a "Hafrican American" amoung other things. He's just never used the "n word"...yet.
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