Thursday, May 07, 2009


OH NO! If we legalize Gay marriage everyone will want to fuck the neighbor's dog and the neighbor's kids.

When are all these fucktards gonna crawl back into the woodwork!?!

From Think Progress:

Pat Robertson: Gay marriage is ‘the beginning in a long downward slide’ to legalized child molestation.

Yesterday, when Gov. John Baldacci (D) signed a marriage equality law, Maine became the fifth state to allow legal same-sex marriage. On the Christian Broadcasting Network today, Pat Robertson responded by claiming that the “ultimate conclusion” of legalizing same-sex marriage would be the legalization of polygamy, bestiality, child molestation and pedophilia. “You mark my words, this is just the beginning in a long downward slide in relation to all the things that we consider to be abhorrent,” said Robertson.


HOST: Meanwhile, the New Hampshire legislature has also voted in favor of gay marriage, but Pat, the governor there still isn’t sure if he will approve that bill.

ROBERTSON: Lee, we haven’t taken this to its ultimate conclusion. You got polygamy out there. How can we rule that polygamy is illegal when you say that homosexual marriage is legal. What is it about polygamy that’s different? Well, polygamy was outlawed because it was considered immoral according to biblical standards. But if we take biblical standards away in homosexuality, what about the other? And what about bestiality and ultimately what about child molestation and pedophilia? How can we criminalize these things and at the same time have constitutional amendments allowing same-sex marriage among homosexuals. You mark my words, this is just the beginning in a long downward slide in relation to all the things that we consider to be abhorrent.

Click here to go view the video.


Riot Kitty said...

He's such an ignorant motherfucker.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Riot Kitty - That he is, one of the biggest, too.

Gordon said...

That was a pretty ignorant statement even for him. Why are the Repugs scared that the things they do anyway might be legalized?

Grandpa Eddie said...

'Cause then they wouldn't feel like they were getting away with somethin', Gordon.

The Gays just want to be able to marry and enjoy all the legal benefits that go with it. Unlike the Catholic priests who want to rape the young boys, and the fundie preachers who cavort with the ladies of the evening or their gay lovers.

themom said...

I find Pat Robertson to be abhorrent. And a king-sized asshole. Stupid Carrie prejean (semi-nude Miss California) made the assinine statement:

"There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have fathers and mothers."


Grandpa Eddie said...

themom - Chrissake that crazy bitch is dumber than I thought.

Abhorrent...that's the word I was trying to think of earlier.

Patricia said...

Robertson is shameless. What a prick. Not to mention that the only item on that list that could be said to involve consenting adults is polygamy and an argument can be made that anyone who wants more than one spouse at a time is not mentally competent to make decisions.

YogaforCynics said...

"polygamy was outlawed because it was considered immoral according to biblical standards."

Say what?! Has this guy ever read the Bible?! Not only did the wise old patriarchs have multiple wives, but they fucked their slaves as well! In one story, God even tells a slave to return to the master who's raping her so that he can get her pregnant and his barren wife can then claim the baby! For that matter, these old pervs did not wait until girls were anywhere near anything we'd call an age of consent....So, not only is he an ignorant bigot, but, since I assume he does have at least a passing knowledge of the Old Testament, he's also a complete and unabashed liar....

Grandpa Eddie said...

"...not mentally competent to make decisions."

ZenYenta - That's pretty much how I would figure anyone to be who would want more than one spouse. Ya gotta have a screw loose, be a few bricks short of a full load, a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic, to want more than one mate to deal with...male or female.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Yoga - Oh I'm sure he has read the whole story book known as the "bible", but he is so much like the Catholic Church in that the "commoners" need only to know just so much and the less they know the better. We gotta remember that a lot, if not the majority, of the people who follow this bastard can't or won't think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Robertson is another about whom you could use the "short sentence" with the required two words: "batshit" and "crazy."

Grandpa Eddie said...

jeg43 - I think you are correct. That would fit him perfectly!

Lowell said...

Aha! Pat Robertson again. Didn't he die? In his chair in front of a TV camera? Sure he did. Ten years ago. He's still propped up?

Omigod! No wonder he's spouting such pithy comments. What a genius. He's been prophesying the end of the world for many moons, and the Armageddon for many more moons, and I think once he prophesied that Jesus would come back riding a Republican donkey...

Somebody tell him he's dead, and push him over.

Then we can all go assassinate Chavez in his honor.

That's how Robertson used to get high on Jesus - calling for some poor fool to assassinate a sinner! He's too chickenshit to do it himself.

Lowell said...

Oops, I forgot. The reason Robertson's such a dick is that he's never forgiven the fedural guv'mint for disallowin' his right to own slaves in Virginy. And it seez right thar in the Bible that a good Christian man kin own slaves!

Just cain't fuck a duck! Thet's agin God's law!

Grandpa Eddie said...

Jacob - The fucker should be dead! The fucking racist christianist fascist is living off the money he's robbing from the old retired people who watch him.

Lowell said...

By George, or by Pat, I think you're right, GE!

Grandpa Eddie said...

He's just like all the rest of those fucking TV preachers, Jacob. Living high on the hog off the money they collect from the old folks living on a fixed income.