This Liberal blogger was at the Pensacola "teabagging" on Wednesday. This guy had a lot of balls!
I stole this from Jacob at Contextual Criticism who got it from BuzzFlash.
'Green News Report' - March 11, 2025
2 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.
Take the quiz at
This guy was great. Tonight, I met a person that would agree with these "teabaggers" at a local bar/restaurant. He kept saying to me that Obama wants to make this nation a Socialist nation. I asked him what he was talking about and all he could say was "you know what I'm talking about" and I told that I didn't. I asked him for some specifics such as what has President Obama done and exactly what plans is President Obama putting into place that will make the US a Socialist nation and all he could say was "you know what I'm talking about". He didn't have an answer for me. Earlier in the evening, he cursed President Obama's name and I told him that I was offended with his speaking ill about the President of the United States. His wife pulled him aside and then he apologized to me.
There are so many of the "teabaggers" that would have no idea how to answer that question. I really think that the only reason they "joined" the "teabaggers" was because they are racists and can't stand having a black president.
As usual I agree with you, Eddie. They use that big scary word 'SOCIALISM' to hide their bigotry. I've had the same experience as Cats. I took my car to a car wash on the 15th and while I was waiting a man struck up a conversation with me by telling me how glad he was that "real Americans" were taking the country back from the socialists. I told him he was talking to the wrong person if he wanted me to agree with him. He looked dumbstruck - like he just couldn't believe I would actually defend Obama and liberals. I asked him what he thought socialists would do to this country and he said that I should take all my money out of the bank because Obama is a socialist, blah, blah, blah. He had no idea what socialism is. Mercifully, my car was done before his huge gas-eating vehicle was so I begged off the rest of his right-wing lecture.
Eddie did you see the former military investigator, Matthew Alexander, on Keith last night? It would make an excellant post from you, I'd love to see it here!
You are right Nancy, he had no idea what socialism is. None of them do. They only know what Fuks Nuz tells them, and we all know that if and when Fuks Nuz explains something it isn't correct.
If all these "patriots"(tongue in cheek) are so dead set against socialism, does it mean that they won't be drawing social(ism) security, and medicare. If they don't, that would take a lot of pressure off the system so the rest of us, who don't mind socialism, and we will be financially ok when we retire.
Sue - Thanks for the heads up on Matthew Alexander. ;)
That guy is awesome, he's saying what these clowns need to hear. Today I read Obama is going over what programs to cut. Yeah, that's right, cut. These teabaggers got nothin', what their sellin', I ain't buyin'.
Yeah, SDC, and they didn't even know that he was putting down what they were doing until he was almost done.
I saw that this morning that Barry was gonna start doing the "slash & burn" on programs that were a waste.
The "teabaggers" don't like socialism or socialist programs, maybe he should cut them off from social security and medicare seeing how those are social(ism) programs.
Interesting that President Obama is cutting programs and the teabagger that I was talking to kept complaining about "big government". He was probably a Ron Paul supporter. There was a lot of them in Pennsylvania.
We've got some Ron Paul supporters here in Wisconsin, too. The Libertarians are big backers of him. I like the way they claim to be the answer because they say they are a different choice, when all they really are is an offshoot of a very conservative Republican Party that has no REAL answers.
That guy had 'em agreeing with him 'til they caught on. Took 'em a while too. Heh.
Yeah, it shows just how stupid those people really are.
Yeah, they don't really know what they think unless Rushole or F**Noise tells 'em, and then they still don't know, just that they were told what to say.
Like a bunch of bots that have to be instructed in what they are supposed to do.
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