I just heard Pat Buchanan on "Hardball" defending Notre Dame for not allowing President Obama to speak at this years graduation. He said that they refused because of Obama's stance on abortion. Buchanan said abortion is an intrinsic evil, that it is the destruction of a living being.
No it's much better to bring all those kids into the world so the perverted pedophile priests can do what they want to them, thereby ruining their lives for the next sixty plus years, not to mention all the new pedophiles that may be created from this action.
As long as the Catholic Church continues to harbor the pedophile priests, and by doing so aid them in their perversion, they have no right to tell anyone anything on how they should live or what they should do with their own bodies....which they don't have any right to do anyway.
'Green News Report' - March 11, 2025
1 hour ago
Oh right! Hasn't every president spoken at Norte Dame's granduations? Okay for pedophile priests. Not okay for President Obama. Hmmmmm....POND SCUM! I'm gittin' better Eddie....
Yeh you're gettin' there Nancy.
But in this case that should be fucking pond scum bastards.
Yes exactly just that GE. They continue to harbor to this day. I don't give a shit the media has a duty to point out blatant hypocrisy every time shit6 is pwewed and that goes for our side too.
But this also has another player g g g g g god. It's Holy Thursday ya know and from what I saw many times during this ceremony held at night was pure mind fucking at it's best. What goes on in this Thursday yearly ritual is fucking bizzare and that ain't no shit I tell you.
One Fly - From what I can tell, this Holy Thursday thing is celebrated by the Catholic Church. Am I correct?
Like most Catholic ceremonies, it seems to have a lot to do with the macabre.
Sometimes I wonder if the Catholic Church doesn't worship Death more then their Christ.
Failed to mention catholics and missed the mistake when blogger refreshed or whatever. I make mistakes but not that bad.
Did Notre Dame withdraw the invite?
I didn't hear that!
Jesus H. Christ! What a bunch of morans!
Jacob - I'm not sure it has been formally withdrawn....yet.
Okay, I'm glad to hear that...
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