And Here We Go
6 hours ago
These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.
Take the quiz at
Aaaww Dr. Mengele... he is heartwarming in that BushCo kind of way, huh?
How frightening it is to realize that almost every modern method of birth control we have today was an idea from or perfected upon by a Nazi doctor in their quest to prevent Jews and other unwanted populations from breeding. And today we have just the reverse from our American Nazis who want all women to become a walking set of ovaries and a uterus on feet with her mouth sewn shut.
Thanks for stoppin' by and letting me know that I spelled the "good doctor's" name wrong. That's the last time I depend on Google to give me the correct spelling for anything.
And today we have just the reverse from our American Nazis who want all women to become a walking set of ovaries and a uterus on feet with her mouth sewn shut.
That is a big reversal for those jackbooted fascists.
"Get me two - NO NO, THREE - units of Democracy -- STAT!!"
"... whaddya mean we're fresh out?"
"Privatization of... what? Democracy?"
"Oh. Sorry, Uncle Sam. Umm... do have a will?"
Greetings from a California San Joaquin valley great-granny. I found you through Tina.
another "great" and I have a small political blog at . My url takes you to my more coffeeklatch blog.
I like what you have to say. Drop in anytime.
Yup, that bastard in the WH is bleeding Uncle Sam dry.
Sorry I haven't been around to your blog lately, been pretty busy. Haven't been to many of my favorites lately.
Thanks for stoppin' in. That Tina's quite the gal, isn't she.
I see by your profile that you're from Merced. I was there back in Nov. of '01 for a wedding. Went up to Yosemite, what a beautiful Nat. Park.
I'll stop by and check out your blog. Thanks for leaving the link.
Aaaw... you'll make me blush Grandpa Eddie.
You don't fool me Grandpa Eddie. You and my dad are cut from the same cloth: Hard, mean and crusty on the outside. Intelligent, warm and sweet on the inside.
And you both always have something to say about average Americans getting bent over and screwed by The Man... that's why I stop by :)
Your right. I'm hard, crusty, and mean. But I love babies, puppies, and kittens.
The Mrs. says I'm gonna turn into a narly old fart sittin' on the porch in a rockin' chair with a shotgun, just waitin' for whatever.
I've got the ropes for the (here, fill in whatever you like).
Now I'm lookin' for a shotgun...or two.
No problem, Pops... I took a few weeks off, myself... lol
We both know how it is....shit happens.
I,too, am back....with a vengence!
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